WTIC 2113
WTIC Intro
Line-up Notes
Card 1301
Card 1310
Card 1320
Card 1330
Card 1340
Bloodline's List
S.D. Tallies
House Rules
2112 Awards

A link back to where it all began...


This is a link to my Special Edition cards.  I hope you like them:

WTIC Special Edition Cards

Here are links to my other WTIC sites:

WTIC 2110 was my first GWF site.  Extra stuff on it featured the booklet I wrote for both "Quantum-Polarity" and "B.I.G".  The link for the site is here:

WTIC 2110

My site for WTIC 2111 is below.  The extra stuff on it includes the Choice Situation chart I use in my fed, the Deimos Dog Collar match I use, and the Ringside Companion questions I had posed both to Mr. Filsinger and in the GWF Guestbook:

WTIC 2111

Animated graphics added to the look of WTIC 2112.  Also added was a page for Bloodline's List.

WTIC 2112

Fellow Promoter Brian Barrow has an amazing site and is one of the most loyal GWF Promoters there is:

Brian's GWF Site

If you loved the John Carpenter horror classic "The Thing", click on the picture below for several links to the official and unofficial sites associated with the movie:

Links to THE THING

As a fan of Trish Stratus, how can I not have a link to her OFFICIAL site?


Battlestar Galactica will be returning to TV in one form or another.  Keep up with the latest news from the official web site here:


The FLASH navigation bar for this site was made at the site below.  Click the flash button to go there:

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Most of the graphics for my WTIC sites were made at the sites below:



This site was built for free at Tripod.  Get your own FREE web site from Tripod:


The flash animation navigation bar for this site is below:

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All character images (c) Filsinger Games 2002.
All rights reserved to all other content on this site.