I changed Murdok's last name to Antilla. He joined
the Ravagers back in 2112, with Tocsin as bodyguard and becoming SENTRY again. No changes in 2113.
I haven't a clue why I put a pic of Hyper on the right, since
I had no reason to mention anything about him on this page! LOL!
For Stars and Stripes, both wrestlers will be known by their
real names (Mark Richir and Guy Andrews).
King Kong Bundy enters in 2113 with his clone Avalanche. Avalanche is renamed
with Bundy's real name of Chris Palies. They join the Rocketmen as the team of Double Five-Count.
Atman is renamed Joshua Jove since "Atman" sounds too much like "Antman", and
such an important character needed a better name (Joshua, after Jesus' real name; and Jove, after the most powerfull
of Roman gods).
Turge has not entered with Cyclopes because there will be no "trolls" in my fed.
(Just like there was no clowns in my fed when Doink was around when I played my old Superstar Pro Wrestling Game
fed! And don't ge me started on "LEGEND" Virgil!)
Mourn gets a name change to Mourn Lazarus and joins the Brymstone team with Cyclopes
as the tag team "X-Files" (I wonder why I named them that?)
Another note: The C.P.C. was reabsorbed into the WTIC at the start of 2110.
Magnus Colby may make a power move to control the fed at the start of 2114 if the cards can be grouped evenly. More
on this next time.
And that's all the notes for 2113!