Here is a list of all the winners(?) from Splatter's
Lottery for the year 2112:
On Card 1246, Splatter attacked twice. His first attack
was on Nefarus. Nefarus had just pinned Lonewulf and was injured for seven cards. Splatter's second attack was
on Corporal Aegis. CAegis had defeated Anarchy on the first move, and Splatter attacked him. CAegis was injured
for six cards. No suspension was handed down by Commissioner Cordanus against Splatter for the attacks.
On Card 1281, Splatter attacked Varsity following Varsity's singles match against Rankor.
Varsity won with his finisher-P.C.D. and Splatter attacked, injuring the Titans star for six cards. Commissioner Cordanus
suspended Splatter for nine fight cards following the attack.
During Card 1291, Splatter attacked Galactic Warrior following GWarrior's match
against Skinhead. GWarrior won with his finisher-DECLARE WAR and Splatter attacked, injuring the Genesis
star for ten cards. Commissioner Cordanus suspended Splatter for six fight cards following the attack.
