This is a link to the greatest wrestling game
ever invented:

Do you want some homemade wrestlers? Here is a link
to the ones that I made, including Special Edition fronts for a number of wrestlers:
WTIC's Special Edition Cards
What do my other GWF sites look like? Click
these links to see what extra things you can find on each of my sites:
WTIC 2110
WTIC 2111
***NEW*** WTIC 2113 ***NEW***
This link is to Brian Barrow's site. He has a lot of
interesting stuff on his site! Check it out when you get a chance:
Brian Barrow's GWF Site
As a huge fan of John Carpenter's horror
classic, THE THING, I found a great site dedicated to one of the goriest movies of all-time! If you love the movie,
check out the site below!

Animated graphics for this site were
mostly made at the sites below:

This will take you to the main page of tripod.com.
It is the web site builder I used to create this site.