WTIC 2112
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Mandrill stops ordering me to post...
Andrew "Dice" Clay gets his own comedy special on MTV...
SuperNova is actually revealed to be Stacey Keibler...
Until the show Grosse Pointe returns to the WB...
Until there are t-shirts for both "McMahon Fears Filsinger" and "Dreadnaught Lives"...
Hollywood Hulk Hogan becomes a scientific wrestler...
Chaos solves that Rubik's cube...
Filsinger fears McMahon...
The Iron Sheik embraces the red-white-and-blue...
J. Jonah Jameson hires Johnny Rocket...
I have more money than Magnus Colby...
My holodeck program for the GWF is up and running...
Jar Jar Binks is liked by everyone...
Chris Candido pins Thantos...
I get a "no-prize" for best GWF web site design...
I can retire off the money I make on my free GWF homemade cards...
Britney Spears enters the GWF as a wrestler and I become her manager...
The Rock realizes that King Kong Bundy was asking for a five-count and not saying "Hi"...
Tom Hanks stars with Peter Scolari in a movie sequel to their old TV show "Bosom Buddies"...
I am hired to photograph Trish Stratus and Stacy Keibler at the next DIVAS photoshoot...


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